Pathways to a Healthier Bernalillo County Program serves Bernalillo County’s predominantly Hispanic/Latino population through “pathways” to primary healthcare.

 An assessment is conducted to determine needs and identify candidates for the Pathways Program, assuring collaborative planning and work toward the improvement of our healthcare system.
The Pathways Program identifies individuals in the community most at-risk and connects them with appropriate services to improve their health outcomes, overall wellness, and self-sufficiency. Pathways defines at-risk populations to include low-income and uninsured residents of Bernalillo County.


  • Connecting underserved country residents with health care and other support systems and assisting them as they navigate through it

  • Coordinating services for individuals, which result in positive health outcomes and/ or improved wellbeing

  • Assuring Collaborative planning and working towards improvement of our health care system.

Distinct Pathways

  • Behavioral Health

  • Continuing Ed /HSE

  • Covid Vaccine Education

  • Dental Care

  • Disability Income/Appeal

  • Driver’s License / I.D.

  • Employment

  • Food Security

  • Health Care Home

  • Heat & Utilities

  • Housing Assistance

  • Legal Services

  • Medical Debt

  • Pharmacy/ Medications

  • Public Benefits

  • Substance Use / Abuse

  • Transportation

  • Victim Advocacy

  • Vision & hearing

Contact our Pathways Navigator